Friday, October 17, 2008


Pratham, we were told by the trainers visiting the office, planned the training material for the survey for a good 6 months ! And the effort put in could be easily seen from the presentation slides, the handouts, and the survey material.

Volunteers attended a total of 6hrs of training over 3 days prior to the actual visits to the villages for the survey. 

The training was divided into three sections:

- Introduction: ASER and Pratham
- Mapping the village, and sampling techniques
- Survey material, and potential problems

Trainers from Pratham in Hyderabad: 
- Shruti Nibhanupudy
- Srinivas

Trainers from Pratham in Gurgaon: 
-Snigdha Jain
- Satyam and Manoj (for the mock survey)

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